Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Using Powershell to gather NIC info

In the course of troubleshooting a performance issue (in part caused by replication latency), we noticed that the NIC on our SQL server had been changed from Full Duplex to Half Duplex. Needless to say as soon as we switched back to Full Duplex our latency dropped back to what we'd come to expect. This was renforced by the behavior we observed when observing replication latency where it would be delivering transactions in bursts which lines up with the Half Duplex arcitecture of one-way communication.

As as outgrowth of this I thought it would be prudent to check the rest of our environment to make sure we didn't have any more mis-configured NICs. The majority of our Prod SQL Instances are clustered & have 2 NICs, one for the Heartbeat network & one for the Public Network. Per MS best practices for Clustered SQL the Heartbeat NIC is set to "100 Mb Full" & the Public NIC is set to "1000 Mb Full" so differentiating bewteen the NICs is important.

My first thought was to use the Win32_NetworkAdapter class which has properties for speed & duplex, unfortunantly looking at msdn it appears the properties haven't been implemented yet (this was verified in my testing). After viewing an excellent post on the topic by Hugo Peeters, I decided his method would work with a few small changes. My main gripe about this is the fact that MS forces us to (yet again) go to the registry for information that should be in WMI. Since the registry path changes by vendor (and in some cases model number) you'll need to modify your version of the script to account for the NIC vendors/models in your environment.

The script is here, I was not able to get it to show in a usable format on the page so we'll try this instead.

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